Thank you for heeding our call for action

Fixing accountability may be the single most important thing we can do for public education...

...and the fact that you are here is a signal that you agree.

Our job at bravEd is to create awareness of what a great accountability is so that we never again get stuck with something that doesn't work.

That is no small feat. Educational accountability in its current form appears so complex and is so ingrained that just imagining something else can make our heads spin. We get it. bravEd has been around for fifteen years and we are only just beginning to realize what is truly possible.

What will make it possible is a critical mass of parents, community members, educators, religious leaders, students, businesspeople, and advocates of all stripes coming together in one voice with a better solution.

All we need from you right now is to sign up below as a signal that you believe something better is needed. We'll do everything from there.

One more thing is important here in 2024. The conditions are ripe for another national commission on education, similar to those that brought us A Nation at Risk in 1983, and No Child Left Behind in 2002.

What both of those had in common is that the educators were perceived to have little to offer the conversation. So too with parents, advocates, or, more significantly, students. The reasons for that are too numerous to cite here, and we don't need to, because the solution then and the solution now are the same: speak with one authoritative voice.

If we don't wish for a repeat of history we need to learn from it. One meaningful, well-informed, and powerful voice may be the only thing that will allow us to break the cycle.

It should not be lost on us that the ill effects of the two prior commissions lasted two decades or more each. America and its public education institutions cannot afford another two decades of accountability that fails students and their schools. Lending your voice here is a choice to see that it doesn't. 

We promise never to sell your information to anyone. We'll send things that will help you think more broadly about what accountability can and should be, and we'll point to additional opportunities for you to engage, but whether you do anything other than add your name to a growing list of those who want something different is up to you.

We're just glad you are here.

The bravEd Team

Add your voice to something special

Signing up says you'd like to see a better way to handle educational accountability. Our mission at bravEd is to make that happen.

Be sure to check the button. That gives us permission to send emails.

We will never sell or share your information.