A message toĀ Non-Profit Leadership

"If every advocate of public education in America could come together with one voice...

...there are no problems we cannot solve."

The challenge is in getting those voices together. And no more so than when it comes to how educational accountability gets done.

John Tanner founded bravEd as a mechanism to one day get to that point regarding the accountability function in schools. For fifteen years his work has been key in helping educators and advocates realize that something different is possible, and for the last nineĀ years, he has been able to show what it is doable within the existing confines faced by schools.

All without a policy change.

The recently formed bravEd Center is our attempt to finallyĀ bring all of the voices into the same room. The idea is simple: get together once a month to touch base, convene regionally as we are able, and have a Community that can work its way towards something better.

That ultimate goal is a policy solution, but first, we need the dialogue.

The investment of your time and dollars are minimal. Attend the monthly Lunch and Learns, perhaps join us at an in-person event if you can, and engage with your colleaguesĀ interested in solving the same problems as you.

But we would also urge that you encourage your members to join us. Memberships are available for educators & advocates, business people, and the nonprofit community. All are welcome.

Finally, if you do choose to join as a non-profit, we'll add your logo and a brief description onto our partner's page. There is tremendous power in numbers and it's part of our agenda to show that the desire for a better accountability in schools is almost universal.

WeĀ have an unprecedented opportunity to fix a decades-old problem and we should.

Thanks for being here.
