$295.00 USD

Every year

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

The bravEd Center Individual Membership

bravEd has multiple membership options to the Center. These include business memberships when a business wishes to join, individual memberships for any single member wishing to join, and a licensee membership for school and district teams that require an invoice. Click here to for the school licensee registration page. Go to the Join Page on the main menu for the business membership options.

If you require an invoice or wish to join or renew through a license, please click here

Many of you will have been provided codes that facilitate access. Those codes are assigned to one type of membership and will only work on that membership page. Codes are always sent with a link to the appropriate page.

Please reach out at [email protected] if you need assistance.

Important Note: Our memberships rely heavily on being able to communicate with you, and email is our vehicle to do that. To that end, the permission button for emails from us is pre-checked. In accordance with laws regarding spam and unwanted email, you can opt out here, or through your profile, or by clicking at the bottom of any email we send you, but it will greatly diminish the value of your membership, since we won’t be able to communicate with you. 

If you accidentally opt out, you can just as easily go to your profile and opt back in. 

We promise never to sell or share your information with anyone. We are committed to treating your information respectfully and will only use it in service of your membership and to support our mission to finally get educational accountability right.